Make Love the Change

Make Love the Change – lyrics

All around the world
Too many boys and girls
Are going off to war,
May not even know what for.

Tyrants play war, like games,
But hate is not ordained.
You know, only love sustains,
So, let’s change their game.

Make love the change,
Make love the change,
Hate is not ordained,
Make love the change.

Let’s make this very clear,
Our kids should never fear
What happens in a war,
That’s not what life is for.

There’s nothing a war solves,
Just peace can lead to love,
And give ourselves a world
That everyone deserves.

Make love the change,
Make love the change,
Hate is not ordained,
Make love the change.

Imagine that it’s you
A bullet round goes through,
And you’re the one in pain,
Or worse you’re down the drain.

War’s not a video game,
Blood to blood, we’re all the same.
So, we must break hate’s chains,
Cause only love sustains.

Love, love, sweet love.
Oh, love, mmm, love, make love.

I hear that change will come,
But we’re the only ones,
Who can change their game,
And make love the change.

Make love the change,
Make love the change,
Hate is not ordained,
So, make love the change.

Make love the change,
Make love the change,
We are all the same,
So, make love the change.

Make love the change.


Copyright Dean Erickson. All rights reserved.

Musical Steps – How Make Love the Change was created

How it Started

I began this song shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. The song began as an anti-authoritarian rant, including some rapped verses. I quickly learned that I should never rap and that the song needed to be hopeful, rather than simply a display of my disgust at dictators and war.

What Was Next

I wanted a relatively simple orchestration to let the words shine through. I asked Ezequiel Jaroslavsky to create a piano track. After a few changes to meet my lyrics, he nailed his part, and then it was time for me to step up with the vocals. Overall, I am happy with the sound of the song.

More Work

Words and music can be powerful. In my dream of dreams, the chorus of Make Love the Change will be sung at peaceful rallies against dictators, war, and anti-democratic authoritarian-wanna-bes. The song is about peace and everyone’s right to live in peace. It seems pretty uncontroversial, but I hope more and more people, especially the tyrants, will come to agree with me.

Make Love the Change

Belief is neither fact nor truth. It’s your opinion. – Dean